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I did some changes and it should stop with the false positives from some anti-virus. (I hope)

This version also have an auto-batch size option, so you don't need to keep guessing a good batch size.

There is a also a WIP option to save the interpolation directly to mp4. Since it don't need to generate new PNG's it make the process faster and is lighter on the HD. But for now it will ignore a lot of output options if you turn this on.


RIFE-App 1.2.7z



WOW, Love the new auto batch feature, WORKS A TREAT. What kind of output options are lost with the new interpolation to mp4?


Also what does RIFE mean/how is it different from DAIN?


File "my_design.py", line 72, in run File "my_DAIN_class.py", line 1276, in RenderVideo File "my_DAIN_class.py", line 1120, in StepRenderInterpolation UnboundLocalError: local variable 'loops' referenced before assignment Please help.


Sorry, this is a bug if you select multiple input files, will fix it for 1.3


CRF Value, generate a version with X FPS, audio version, limit color. I think this is it.


Its the intepolation algorithm, totally different algorithms. This change the speed and results.


I appear to have a memory leak with this version. Running a PAL quality file through it and it gets about 34% of the way through by the time I run out of system ram (64GB).


System Ram or Virtual ram? For 1.1 and 1.2 it handle some memory in async, so it may no be a memory leak, just the system not being able to handle it. Gonna add an option in the next version to handle it in sync, so it may fix it for you.


我的电脑256GB RAW全被占用了