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  • Mostly is bugs fixes from 0.21
  • File-size is a little smaller from other version.
  • New interpolation mode should be correct.
  • Try to clean cache before working, maybe it help a little in memory usage.

Keep in mind that .gif files don't work very well with very high fps files. This is a gif limitations, there is some work around that can be done, but for the .gif may appear really slow if the fps is to high.


DAIN_APP Alpha 0.22.rar



You can't really go below 20 ms on a gif. If you try to post that to twitter or something it will look like it's in slow mo. I found this out again the other day when I tried to post my results to twitter.


Howdy. Great stuff. Any chance of a non-gui purely command-line version in the future?


Yeah, there is a lot of requests for this. I'm gonna try to do a really simple version as soon as i can.


Please advice, what amount of GPU VRAM is necessary to transcode full hd? On 8gb of vram i can transcode only 960 px width, if I don’t resize the output, app crashes. So do I need at least 16gb?


For some reason the render goes through and it says to check the target folder, but there is just an empty folder with the file name


This technology could actually revolutionize how we process media. Amazing job guys!!