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Yet Another Martin

Looks like the link to the Google document is missing.

Day Dreamer

I dialed back to when chapter 13 was posted, found it there, and was able to read through 14... Unlike Verdant, where the doc is visible, but the latest chapter is not, so I'm just waiting for the next update. -- I can see why this author likes to publish via Google doc, but it does create some wrinkles.

Yet Another Martin

By the way, it would be even nicer if the link pointed directly to the chapter. If you click on the chapter heading in the document outline, and copy the resulting URL, you should get a chapter link. For example, this should point to chapter 14: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zgoXMOqhxCVS2_HVWuGVvRp6MKinIHxB9qUnDhs43uE/edit#heading=h.ldgo3qrz7ecn