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I FINALLY got the ball rolling on uploading things to amazon! 

Starting with my YA story, Any Other Name, but all of the other ones will slowly make their way onto the platform(s, I'm looking into smashwords and apple books and stuff next month) as I figure out what a good release schedule is. 

For now, I can't offer free copies to high-tier patrons yet, just because I don't know how to make that work from a technical pov without buying them myself AND shipping them, which would obviously be hella expensive. 

BUT for now, check out the listing, and maybe consider signal boosting on twitter so more people get their eyes on it :3 


Any Other Name

Any Other Name [Bambust, Ela] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Any Other Name


Yet Another Martin

Are you still going to post the remaining chapters here, or did you lose the right to do this by publishing on Amazon?