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If you're here, it's because you either are a Patron, you're thinking of becoming one, or you're just kinda browsing. Regardless, welcome! 

Let's go over some things. 

If you're not a Patron:

Hey! Neat for you to visit! If you came here from a link on a story, you already know what I'm about. If not, then well, hi :D I'm an author of, at the time of writing, almost half a dozen actively updating stories, as well as over 500,000 words worth of finished ones. You can find most of these here, available to read for free. If you're not familiar with those, I recommend checking those out, so you get a feel for what it is I actually do here. 

"But if you're writing for free, then why should I subscribe?"

Well, a few things. Patrons get:

  • Story updates as soon as chapters are finished, sometimes days, weeks or even months before they go public.
  • Exclusive chapters and sometimes entire short stories
  • Access to the Patron-only discord, where you can also find all the stories, as well as channels to engage with others about my work
  • Greatly reduced rates on commissions, which I'll get into in a sec
  • Access to polls about future projects, helping me decide on what will be written next

So yeah, there's definitely a lot, and at higher tiers, you get to do things like commission entire novels and first pick when it comes to ordering physical copies. It's pretty rad, ngl. 

The lowest tier starts at $2, so if you just want to have a look for a month and see if that's something you'd like, I'd really appreciate that. My Patreon is my income, after all. 

So what do you, uh, write?

Queer fiction is the short version. The long version is: lots of different things. I experiment a lot, stylistically, and I bounce between genres often. But what I want to write is stories centering queer characters of different walks of life, and at different stages of their journey. You'll find cute stories about teens realizing they're trans and going through that journey of discovery. There's sci-fi and fantasy epics about Demon Queens and Space Ships and a talking cat named Mort. There's even a trans superhero! I try not to pigeonhole myself, and my protagonists can fall anywhere on the gender and sexuality spectra, and come from various backgrounds, ethnicities, and different strata of ability, although I do my best to stay in my line and don't tell stories that aren't mine to tell. 

Some examples:

  • We're Not Here, a trans love story, attempting a Pratchett-esque style
  • Among Brighter Stars, a serial science-fiction series set around the time of first contact
  • We're Not So Different, You and I, a cyberpunk non-linear action romance
  • Horns In The Library, two erotic novellas about succubi set in the Atlantic Northeast
  • Penumbra, a story about depression, transness and superheroes

If you see something here you like, all of the above are currently published in the link from earlier (this one), and it would mean a lot if you checked them out, and then considered subscribing! 

If you're already a Patron: 

Thank you so much! I do my best to engage with my patrons on a regular basis, through both the discord and regular updates as to what's going on with my work, but I still want to offer a very sincere thank you. You all are what keep me going, and at this point, I get to live thanks to you. It's a sincere privilege, and I consider myself incredibly lucky that I get to do what I love because of you. So thank you. 

What can you expect? Well, I write as much and as often as I can. While I originally wrote 60k+ words per month when I started, that wasn't really sustainable. Nonetheless, you can expect between 30k and 45k words per month of stories, both old and new, to be updated regularly, although I deliberately don't release my schedule because being consistently creative requires me to shift focus between projects to avoid burnout and mental health decline. So while your favourite story might not see updates for a few weeks, there will always be something to read. 

The Commission Thing:

On top of the stories I'll write regularly, which often involve content that's important to me personally, several of my works are commissioned by readers like yourself. I work together with my patrons to ensure that commissioned works are to people's satisfaction, and I (try to) make sure the chapters or amount of words commissioned are done within a month of you commissioning them. While I can't guarantee the timetable, I will always either honour the commission or pay you back if I can't for whatever reason. You can find the pricing sheet here.  

Finally, a request:

Even if you can't or just don't feel like contributing monetarily (which is more than understandable), it would mean the world to me if you engage with my work, here and elsewhere. Responding to posts and individual chapters, as well as sharing to facebook and twitter, increase my visibility, which is how I make my income. We're all slaves to the algorythm these days, and I'm no different. Helping me get seen pays for my food, medication and rent. 

So, yeah... thanks!

Thank you for reading this far! Don't hesitate to leave a comment or send me a message if you have questions or just things you want to get off your chest. 



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