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Thanks again to my lovely patrons for commissioning more chapters of this baby. It's the most world-building (and research-heavy) of all my projects, but I do so love it. Also torturing Clinton, but we'll get more of that soon >:) 

As always, feel free to leave comments on the doc, but remember that there is no need for you to make corrections or line-edits. I post chapters here before the line-editing and checking happens so you get early access :) 


Among Brighter Stars C17

Chapter 17 Despite the lengthy but enjoyable documentary, Clinton had not been not ready for the Core World. Well, he had and he hadn't. There had been video footage -- a lot of it -- and that had been strangely... underwhelming? Sure, there had been vistas of alien worlds, of species he hadn't th...



Shoppppiiiiing :D