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So I'm working now. It's not a dream job by far, but it will cover the bills. As I stated before this means that i will have less time to work on the game once everything is settled around here; but it's a step in the right direction for getting everything on track until/unless I get enough coming in on Patreon to live off of the pledges.

My writer has mostly gotten the hang of adding content to the game. There are only a few concepts he has to master then I expect a lot of material will be added relatively quickly given how prolific he is at his story projects.

My mother died last week. She caught pneumonia, and went quickly. I see this as a mercy as dying of cancer can be a long, painful process. I still don't have a death certificate, but at least I know what to do once I get it.

I still won't know about my own health until I see my doctor on the 15th, but for now things are a bit more stable for me emotionally. I intend to get back to work on the game in the meantime as much as I can handle. Thank you to everyone who stuck with me through this ordeal.


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