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Hello Everyone,

As we approach the cusp of 2024, I felt compelled to reach out and share a toast to the new year with all of you. But more than just celebrating the turn of the calendar, I want to extend my deepest wishes for a year filled with joy, health, and prosperity.

May 2024 be a canvas for your dreams, painted with strokes of love, laughter, and countless cozy moments. Imagine a year where every day holds the potential for a new adventure, a fresh start, or a quiet moment of bliss. That's what I wish for you.

Let's promise to cherish each other and the journey ahead, making time for cuddles, and creating memories that will warm our hearts for years to come. And a lot of "Summer Vacation". ;)

As we stand on the brink of this new beginning, I am filled with hope and excitement for what we will experience together. Your presence and support mean the world, and I can't wait to see where this journey takes us.

Here's to a 2024 that's as amazing as you are! See you next year, ready for another chapter in our incredible story.

- Erwin




Happy New Year! SO looking forward to the next chapter.

Daniel Aguilera

When are we getting the new update? It has been more than 2 months 🥲


Once I can :D It was easier to make a monthly update with only 4 characters and everything focused on them. I am working on S22, but it's time consuming as some choices have been made and I need to gather everything to create routes (and not too much routes I couldn't update in the future :P). Anyway, work is ongoing, I hope to be able to release something at the end of the month, it is my objective. Now, finger crossed I can reach it :D