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Hello Everyone!

As promised, version 0.28.1 is here! We continue our story as expected, that is the good news. It's two days ingame, however they are "short", so I joined 2 days in order to have something a little bit more consistent. Of course, new pictures to unlock, new choices and... and that's it ;).

I have however a bad news. I upgraded my computer and I'm currently unable to work on the game as I can't really render pictures. Well, I can render some but a feature I use (called dForce for the clothes) is not working anymore and alternative solution to get it working again is not working for me (only the last Nvidia drivers take in charge my video card). I'm in contact with Nvidia and they told me yesterday they identified and isolated the bug, so I'm waiting for an update. I'll keep you posted of course!

Hope you all enjoy the new update!

- Erwin

--- Download links ---

Linux & Windows: GDrive | Mega 

Mac: GDrive | Mega 

Android: GDrive | Mega 

Ingame Password: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreons-t2-56822726



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