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Hello everyone,

I do hope you had a great summer time!

Some news! Since I've been on hollidays for 3 weeks, far from my computer, I'm very late on my own planning! But I really needed this break from work (you already know about my new job :p Things are going to get better in 2/3 months, I can't wait!). 

By the way, did you see Space Corps news update, 2 weeks ago? First part of a mission takes place... in Summer Vacation with our characters ;) 😎 v2.2.3 Teaser 1 - Summer Vacation 😎 | RanliLabz on Patreon Another opportunity coming to see Steve, Mat, Fabien,.... and of course, Jimmi! Have a look!!

Anyway! Let's come back on Summer Vacation! So far, the next update is 80% written, and I already rendered 60% of the pictures. I target a release in a couple of weeks. We're going to continue on the same trend, that means new activities with people of your choice... not 3 but 4 :p Surprise suprise ! In the meantime, some sneaky pics... One you've might already seen on twitter, and two others... in order to wait ^^ I'm impatient to read your feedbacks on the next update, I do my best to release it ASAP!!!

Talk to you very soon !
- Erwin



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