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Hello there,

I hope you're all doing well :) I wanted to post a little sneak pic from the next game update :)
I wanted to give you some news on where I stand so far on S11. This is purely estimation ^^

  • Writing / Dialog : 50%
  • Scripting : 30%
  • Rendering : 20%
  • Proofreading : 0%

As I told you, my job has changed since begining of january so I'm not able to work on the game during the week (too exhausted to work the evenings!). However, I spend lot of my time over the week end on it :)

I tried for the updates to come to take into account your feedbacks (thanks again!!!), we're at a kind of crossroad, and... since I open some choices, I need to follow the different dialog choices - which is harder than I expected ahahah :)

January has been quite challenging. COVID, new job and... I've also seen last days that some of the game contents for patreons has been leaked on different platform. I have to tell you how disappointed I've been. I try to create something with all of you, and that was quite hard. But what can I do? I'm just a guy working on this on my freetime... as Poncho and Jammy do, helping me a lot. But at the end (after 2/3 days "sad and upset"...), I decided to keep my motivation, because I know that I can rely on you.

On discord, Jammy told me we were around 1000 people, this is just huge !! We're quiet for sure, but we're together, and I'm happy to share this story with you, hearing your feedbacks, reading your guess on the characters story on discord... some of them can inspire me as well ;)

Anyway, thanks again for being here, and talk to you soon!

- Erwin



Hayden Hayes

As long as you remember to put yourself first!


“I've also seen last days that some of the game contents for patreons has been leaked on different platform. I have to tell you how disappointed I've been.” This mindset is both stupid and counter-productive, I for example became your patron *after* downloding your work from a torrent website. The people who want to contribute will do so, all the others can be included on the “never heard about your project anyway”. I for one found out about it from the said torrent website. Bitching about free publicity will only drive people like me away