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Hello Patrons T2 and above:)

Ahaha, a little pics of the next update for you (coming soon ^^).

And by the way, I think I finished the serie "Steven & Dad - Back to college" for now, so if you have ideas for the next picture serie, let me know!

For now, I received these ideas (I'll submit everything to your vote) :

- 'Holiday Memories' : be it on the beach, in a tent, a fancy hotel room or a national monument, how did they boys (and men) make their trip memorable? '

- College Clubs' - College is a time to explore yourself (and others!) - It's amazing some of the things these clubs get up to...

I'll edit the post with your inputs :) Hop, hop, it's the right moment to take your keyboard!



Fernando Ruiz

Yum! I really want a turn at having sex with Carlos and Mat, possibly at the camping trip. perhaps the college boys went to Vegas and got drunk and had sex. Or perhaps those wrestlers got extra horny in the showers.


I don't know how possible it is... But a crossover series would be really cool! Carlos with some werewolves in New York (BBN) Fabien trying on his uniform as a newly minted cadet... (SpaceCorps) Matt making friends with *cough*centaur*cough (Medieval Times) Or maybe we could see Uncle Steve getting to know some college boys... (Bound to College)


Oh shit, you know what I'd love? If they had to share rooms (and beds) in a swanky hotel for a wedding or something (I uh... Really love guys in suits) You'd have suits, druken foolishness, all those fun things