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Hello there,

Hope everyone is fine!

A little message to let you know how the next update is so far. I've written like 1000 code lines / text, and made 150 pics. The next update is on its way! I really would like to release the 0.2 before the end of the week-end, I've spend the whole day on it xD

In the meantime, I will surely release a dev version (Junior / Senior tiers) tomorrow, in order to get the firsts feedback (yeah, you are my patrons and my testers :D), but I'd like to finish some other rendering before proceeding. I wanted to add a nice video scene... but I won't be able to make it before releasing the dev version (it takes hours to make 1 ^^).

For the future, what I am expecting to do :

  • Release dev version each 7 to 10 days for Tiers 2 and 3 (to test and get your feedbacks, ideas... whatever, just let me know!)
  • Having a public release every  3 weeks about: I wanted to release one every week but, obviously, it's really too long (I tried this week and, at the end, because I rush, i can't do everything I want... and my objective is really to have some good graphics).

On my way to dev the game :

Actually, I'm focusing on 1 route (or 2), but not more. I would like to reach a point, before going back and creating others. However, I already put in place some choices which will have some impacts in the game. That means :

  • Some choices made today will be used later in the game
  • Maybe the route you see / I'm working on is not your favorite one (you can of course share it with me, I'll see if your expectations meet my overall idea if I didn't planned something equivalent, and then add it if possible)

For now, I try to balance the story side to know better the characters and who they are, and the "hot scenes". In order to have some...interesting stuff... (yes, because sometimes updates can be only characters background or personal stories), I will surely use some tricks  (I'm so mysterious ! It doesn't look like me lol)

As I did for Carlos, Patreons will be part of the dev. When I can, I will ask you to vote on an ideas, or so.

As you know, english is not my main language so, if you see anything wrong or have some ideas, share it with me, here or on discord! I know, I say that very often - but I truly believe in your feedbacks, they help me a lot and I'm convinced that it will make the game better :)

And until then, I just would like to thank you all of you. Thanks for your kind message here, on discord, on itch.io about the first chapter, they're really important to me! It's my very first game, so I might make mistakes but be sure I will try to not disappoint you!

Thanks everyone for your support in all manners (holala, I have some pressure now!)





When you say 1-2 routes. Do you mean top/bottom or uncle/cousin. Total personal preference here, but I'd love the mc to bottom for both, lol


LOL ! Wasn't ready to read that :) Actually, the routes are more... "global". Top, bottom, uncle, cousin, everything is only a mind view ^^ What is really important ? What matters ? What... sorry, I'm a philosopher tonight lol :p