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Hi guys!

I wanted to inform you that for the month of August I want to take a small break and make something different from the usual months.

I've been in an art block for many months now, it's slowly getting better but I would like to be more free in August to relax a bit and maybe experimenting with my art a bit more.

I'm not sure about what I'm gonna do yet. 

So for August I won't offer my usual Patreon poll with its 3 main monthly girls, but don't worry I will still draw many waifus!

I hope you guys will understand this and I wanna thank each and one of you for always supporting me through this journey :)

Thank you




Please enjoy your break Tofuu you 100% deserved it and earned it can’t wait to see what you make when you “come back” - A Fried Tofuu Rezumi


enjoy it, take also long as you need!


Have a great break and get some rest, Tofuu!

Luis Perez





Take your time, relax, experiment, try something new. Love to see what your experimentation turns up.

Nix Fragor

I have always loved your art and I am here more because I want to support your art than the rewards themselves (although they are very nice rewards). Keep doing whatever you need to do, we are here to be behind you.


That's really sweet of you, I truly appreciate it. Thank you as always Frag! :)