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Hello there. I'm  feeling very desmotivated these days. Some people   shared all of my content (all, including PSD) in a lot of servers. There are also many other creators being pirated as well, so it affects a lot of nsfw artists like me.

I know that people loves to get all from their favorite artists but without support we cannot continues working... this is our job.

If you are one of these people, please considering all that I said above and refrain from share/uploading any of my artworks.

For my patreons that never did it I appreciate it so much and ask you a favor:

If possible, Help me reporting when you see one somewhere. 

Thank you so much for all the support


Fernando Carmona jr

That's very despicable. We'll keep on eye on it, buddy.


That’s a very inconsiderate thing to do I’ll keep an eye out for those people.


That sucks sorry to hear that you have my support


That’s horrible, sorry to hear that. You most definitely have my support


That's sad, and I can't think of a way to stop that. When you have a big group of patrons, it's hard to see who's leaking what. Only thing I can think of is to offer stuff that can't be leaked easily. Like customizable variations in the PSD files.




Sorry that you got affected too, but don't be discourage. We patreoners are donating not just for pictures, but as people who want to support your artworks. For those who leaking pictures, please refine yourself from doing so or basically stop. Artist should have respect what they asked and always pay in mind what it means to the artist and how harmful it will impact to them. And read the rules please as well question yourself why you patreoning this in the first place and not yourself completely. Just saying here.


Sad to hear that, everyone who support you should respect your work. (as far as i'm concerned, i love to much what you're doing to share it to anyone :D). Keep it up, we'll try to watch yout back.


Pues la verdad, siendo patrocinador da coraje porque mientras nosotros te apoyamos para poder hacernos de tu gran trabajo , otros sin su apoyo están obteniendo lo que nosotros pagamos . Pero la verdad no desanimes ,tus trabajos son excelentes . Descansa recarga energía para próximos y zukulentos trabajos tuyos.


Too bad :-(


This is just awful