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First of all I just want to give you all my deepest apologies for being quiet for sometime. Last Friday I was going to upload both Part 4 and the complete video of "Creating a human milk tank" but I went out later that day and had a bad fall. I broke my ankle and dislocated my arm and snapped my glenoid(the bone that keeps your arm in the socket) I had surgery and everything, and now I'm recovering in a rehab facility. It's going to take 6 weeks to a month to heal(longer) and I'm no where near my PC to work on translations.

To make it up to you guys I'm going to make refunds for March. And put the patreon on pause until I get better. I pray in the future I can look back on this time in my life and laugh with a fully healed ankle and arm while translating huge/gigantic breasted VN scenes and audios.

Stay safe out there and thank you all for the support❤




Take care and have a speedy recovery


No worries, take it easy and I hope you get back to 100%