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This adorable little guy is now available to pre-order! So glad that I could work with Pawprint Press to help bring him to you all! He's got big eyes, cute little paw-beans, floppy ears and a little tongue blep! He also comes with a magnetically attachable dragon apricot plushie!


Thank you so much for reading the novel! Love y'all!

Pre-orders are up until January 7th.

Also, to my higher tiers, I will be uploading some content soon. I apologize for the radio silence on my end as I worked on the final release. Expect a few polls for artwork and maybe even some sneak-peaks at some asset revisions.




He’s so cute! So Lyall body pillow when? lol


This is the most appropriate paw print plushie I've seen holy shit


i have never ordered a plush so fast in my life ordered when i saw notification on discord