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So the method for sending out the links through direct messages is a little buggy. I'm just going to upload the links here I guess. I will look into a different method later on and run a test with the community.

Here is the links to Chapter 13:

Windows: mediafire.com/file/eayx050qjp82rh5/ProjectLYRE-1.18.3-win.zip/file

Android: mediafire.com/file/8axg47rg4cq8lox/lyre.com-release.apk/file

Linux: mediafire.com/file/tw1jr43i4b8ahlw/ProjectLYRE-1.18.3-linux.tar.bz2/file

Mac: mediafire.com/file/6rd6l0kfoku2yv4/ProjectLYRE-1.18.3-mac.zip/file

Enjoy! Also, if you wish to discuss the chapter, you can go to the discussion chat in the Patreon section of my Discord server, but you have to have your Patreon linked with Discord in order to gain access. Thank you!



Just finished reading the last chapter! I'm so excited to read what's next!