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Gradually some history is beginning to emerge:)

UPD: + story by Dina in attachments



D. Karch

This is a Crazy Pic, that I don't know how to make up a story to even explain this kind of event that it would take to get some boi or male into a situation where they would have to go through Soo much in life to get to a point where this is their new reality. This pic would take multiple other pieces of art to show how a person was transformed into a HuCow, and someone would have to write a small books worth to tell how this happened.

D. Karch

Idk if you ever seen any House of Gord books that had this kind of bondage, although the victims were all supposedly women. But this really reminds me of the art work I used to see in those erotica tales


I do remember HoG videos, but not books. This pic is mostly Lerra22-stylized:)

D. Karch

Ok, so what id like to see is how Dina looked before this rendition. Was he a crossdresser, did he love to dress in latex? This says he used to walk around with fake boobs, so did he have a Mistress that pushed him into wear imitation breasts and his GF pushed him away? Apparently the latest pic says he liked bondage or something like that. It really would be nice to see more of an origin sketch(es)?


I suggested that Dina make two more pictures that better reveal the backstory. They will try to find money for this project:)