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Strange thing is, the end of this story stretches and stretches, requiring more and more illustrations, although at first I had a plan to fit everything into one picture.

Странное дело, конец этой истории растягивается и растягивается, требуя всё большего числа иллюстраций, хотья сначала у меня был план уместить всё в одну картинку.




Oh.. So that's how to get up. 😅 From the last picture I thought your butt would go behind the artificial vagina.


I have so much to learn in terms of visual storytelling!


I friggin knew things were gonna go downhill for the poor little sissy.


So that position the sissy is in... seems a waste not to take advantage of it no? Are there any sexy nurses with strapons nearby perhaps?


Might be getting too caught up in details, but what exactly’s happening between the second and third illustration? Looks like the metal cylinder between his legs extends outwards to force the penis deeper inside, but what are the bolts that also extend outwards on either side of the opening for (perhaps the nurses need to attach some additional device once they have him safely locked in)? The ring that appears around the base of his scrotum seems important to prevent him from pulling out during the procedure, does that slide into place automatically or do the nurses quietly fasten it once he’s in position?


Would any students ever earn a “ride”, or is the artificial vagina just one final, cruel diversion?


Bolts are essentially manipulator and glue dispenser assisting nurses in the installation of the chastity device similar to these: https://www.patreon.com/posts/chastos-cameltoe-37745335 and https://www.patreon.com/posts/chastos-fema-2-38074022 Initially, I imagined the Horse as a high-speed fully automated multithreaded chastising device, cold and operating without human help, but later it slipped towards nurses' working place, something like a high-tech medical table, where chastising process is somehow ritualized.


Every one of them will take a ride:) The artificial vagina is just an inner side of the chastity device being applied.


Fair enough - it’s just never the ride they were expecting!


Very good! Agree that a ritualistic procedure carried out by real women is more exciting than a fully automated process.