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Next image (or the sequence of images) will conclude the story. It's quite complex and may take more time than always, please be patient.

Maybe we should make a poll about what story should be next?

Следующая картинка (или последовательность картинок) станет завершающей. Она будет сложнее, чем я обычно рисую, придется потрудиться. Пожалуйста, будьте терпеливы:)
Потом, может, голосованием выберем, какую из историй делать следующей?




It looks like those cages in the "temporary" bin don't go back on; I wonder what that means... ;P This might be my favorite series of images of yours so far; I'm very excited to see the conclusion!


Maybe „temporary“ refers to the type of cage that is stored in the box - meaning that these are only temporary devices and the boi will soon be fitted with a permanent one; maybe after „riding the horse“? I am also very excited to see what happens next :)


^^ Thank you a lot for this comment, it fills me with optimism!


Yeah, do a poll, it'll be interesting to see what choices we get to choose for these poor unfortunate boys


Ooook, I'll finish The Horse series and will make a poll with a description of possible routes!