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I get tired of my format sometimes, and I get feed up with a lot of random review requests I get on my email for products that have nothing to do with my channel.

Combine both and you get an extra video where I review random items to baroque music. Really

This was funner to make than I expected.


Why was I sent this? Trash from my Inbox! (Aimus Joysticks, Gamesir X1/Z1, Fake SNES mini)

Why was I offered these peripherals? Am I even qualified to give out opinions? Let's find out on this overview. If you want more info (WHY?), here is what I "reviewed": Aimus "Joysticks": https://www.aimus.co/mobile-joysticks/112-318-1-pair-survival-mobile-game-controller-pubg-for-45-65inch-android-ios-phone.html?utm_source=Youtube&utm_medium=Social 20%off coupon: AIMUS20 Gamesir X1: https://gamesir.hk/products/gamesir-x1-silver Gamesir Z1: https://gamesir.hk/products/gamesir-z1 Fake SNES thing: https://www.gearbest.com/handheld-games/pp_1837244.html?wid=1433363&lkid=15508949 Also, be careful when playing pubg mobile with a mouse.


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