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Suggest a Pose for a 3D Doll 1

  • Doll: Still Pose 14
  • Doll: Bathing 52
  • Ciella/Meira: Sex Pose 122
  • 2024-02-10
  • 188 votes
{'title': 'Suggest a Pose for a 3D Doll 1', 'choices': [{'text': 'Doll: Still Pose', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Doll: Bathing', 'votes': 52}, {'text': 'Ciella/Meira: Sex Pose', 'votes': 122}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 10, 13, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 188}


Our very first "Suggest a Pose" for a 3D doll!

Do you have a pose you want to add to the game once it gets released in the future? Feel free to suggest now!

However, there's a disclaimer: The pose I'll make with your suggestion won't be in the game yet. It will be in the future, but not anytime soon.
So for now, I'll make screenshots or GIFs of the result for us to enjoy!

But let's make this post have two purposes! One for suggesting, another for voting! But what's there to vote?

You see, there's only one pose I can make this month, but there are three categories we can choose from:

Doll: Still Pose - This is practically a solo statue pose with no movements. But it'll be used in the Glitch City. (The pose can be simple, or it can be lewd. But I'm sure everyone wants it lewd!)

Doll: Bathing - It's animated, but it must be a sitting pose. It's when dolls take a dip in the pool! It can be solo or with another doll! (The pose can be the doll simply bathing, but it can also be lewd. Of course, you want it lewd!)

Ciella/Meira: Sex Pose - It's also animated. It can be solo or with a partner! And the partner is a ghost girl with a rod! (No, it can't be simple anymore. It HAS to be lewd!)

Which one of the three categories do you want me to make a pose of? You decide!


  • Suggest poses for the doll! You can share a photo, video, artwork, heck, even an AI image will do!
  • The pose can be of any media. 3D, artwork, real people, AI, anything! The important part is the pose!
  • You can share a link here in the comments. However, sharing a link here can be difficult, so I made a Discord channel as an alternate method for sharing things!
  • Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/zu564mm5 
  • However, from all the poses everyone suggests, I can only pick ONE.
  • A few days will be given for this "Suggest a Pose". Afterward, I will pick several poses from all the suggestions and make a poll from them.
  • A poll will be made later on for us to pick one pose. (At this point, I will also close the Discord channel as well)
  • The winning pose will be used for the dolls!


  • The doll is from the action game "Nude Byte". The pose you suggested will be used in the game in the future.
  • Since it'll be used in the future, for now, I'll create screenshots and GIFs of the result for $1-5 Patrons to see!
  • I'll also make screenshots/GIFs with larger breast sizes for $3-5 Patrons.


I just realized something. It feels like the second poll sounds troublesome for Patrons. (Two polls just to decide on a single pose? Really?) For now, there will still be a second poll since that's what I mentioned before.
But do you guys think the second poll is necessary? The other option is to simply let me decide and pick one pose. But then, Patrons won't get to decide! So what do you think?
If you have any thoughts about this, share them in the comments below.



Hey man, great progress with the game btw. So far it looks great 👍