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had to do some paperwork last week so we didn't get as far as I wanted to with this one but on the plus side, the ending of this WIP is a nice lil pseudo cliffhanger at least :D

This WIP shows how well my investment in blender payed out (if it hasn't already):
The claws ripping through her gloves followed by Dva attacking Lisa works better than I thought and the yellow glow is a nice contrast to the monochrome blue lighting <3

Also, everything blood-related in here had to be edited in Blender as well in order to make it look like it does (adding rigs, adding shapes, adding materials etc etc). Thankfully these edits don't take almost a week anymore for me to pull off but instead I finish everything in around 1-2 days, which is a great improvement \m/

I hope I'll be able to give you one more WIP this year that will end with a Bang!
no promises tho : )



R. Dunbar

Hard to know what is going on. Dva was shot in both eyes and didn't have to see to make this move. The blood also might be hers. Sure is fun trying to figure it out.


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