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tried a more ambient lighting with this one, it's pretty common for me to come up with new ideas to enhance the lighting as we go, just in case you're wondering that the lighting is different on serveral WIPs.

I was kinda frustrated with the facial animations so I sat on my ass today to add new bones, weights and flexes to Lisa and Tina. I hope the results will pay off in the upcoming WIPs : )

Let me know what you think of the WIP! I read everything ;)



Frankh of Fethdor

Another fantastic WIP! Thank you for your hard work.

R. Dunbar

Finishing a work product so this timing is perfect.

Dough Manii

When are you dropping the full video and scenes all together with sound ???

Yohann Mesnil

another beautiful wip. However I must admit that I prefer DVA and Lisa ;)

R. Dunbar

Absolutely fantastic and if I'm lip reading correctly she said she's about to cum...can't wait, perhaps simultaneously.

R. Dunbar

Tina's a clear fav for me


When are the cowgirl wips coming