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Hi there!


Oofie, animating the blood was quite the task! My options of moving certain parts of the bloody objects was fairly limited so I had to be clever about it by positioning the camera in a way that odd movements won't be that noticable.

I would've thought that the scene where the walrider uses the cop as a sleigh would be harder to animate but it was fairly easy. Maybe I am really starting to get the hang out of those action scenes ;)
However the scene may feel a little bit confusing since I am not giving any indication beforehand that the walrider jumped into the air to land on the cop. Maybe I am going to correct that if I have the time.

Next week we get to see our lovely ladies so you better stay tuned ;)


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Looks amazing as always, any updates on DM, minor or major?


WOW! That was FIRE bro.. So good ;D


That was badass!


Thank you <3 No news yet, unless you haven't checked my updated and pinned schedule post. DM will be probably released in the last week of february.


Walrider more like mansurfer lol