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I've checked the exit surveys and the reasoning behind it and someone said that I am not active enough.
It's a bit surprising to me honestly since I really try my best to deliver stuff every week and to communicate with everyone who comments on my stuff and is sending me messages.
I am not sad if people stop supporting, I am grateful for any cent and I am even thankful if you just like my stuff but I don't understand assumptions like that at all.

If you ever have a problem with something, please just tell me upfront and we'll see if we can find a solution :) I am open to constructive critisicm!



You do great. I wouldn't pay too much attention to the exit surveys. A lot of time I just click something when in reality it's me being broke.


You don't need to worry about the feelings of others. It is their freedom to sponsor or not. Of course, it is your freedom when there is new news. After all, you are a one-man team and you don't do this every day. Publishing a theme once a week is fast, at least there is progress, and you know that you are not messing around, not as far away as other creators ...


Although there isn’t much response here on Patreon. I would like to say that it isn’t easy doing everything alone, and everything on time. What you do is already great with quality, and trying to improved your animations. Not a lot of NSFW creator can deliver what they want on time. Some people are just impatience.


I think that guy has different issues. You are active. Some people just can’t be pleased.


Not every day but 6 days/week :P I have no problem if people stop supporting or don't support at all though. That's perfectly fine! I just didn't get the reasoning behind it. Hope you didn't have a lot of bad experiences with other creators!


You are doing fine. You give great content and updates faster than other people. Just work at your own pace.


Anyway ... keep this pace and continue to create, we just wait for your new news, this can be regarded as a surprise, we like that your creative room is real !!


Thanks again for your comments and for giving me the feeling that I do alright. Everything is still new for me so I am rather careful and try to check if the community is happy with what I am doing. You are always invited to give me some constructive crtisicm.