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And here's the daily drawing suggestion box for may. You can reply to this post with your suggestions. It can be anything, but there are few rules.

• Has to be sfw.

• No OC stuff

• You can suggest multiple things but try not to spam.

• If I did not draw your suggestion this month, don't worry. You can suggest it again next month.

And that's about it. Remember, this is only a chance to suggest ideas. There is no guarantee I will draw everything. This is a suggestion box where I will sometimes pick up ideas I like. 



Hahaha, let me suggest that you draw something from UHG :D! you wrote often you think about drawing somethings out of that wonderful fan fiction ♥ I personally would love to see Tetrox in her Octopus form from the 4th part , with the slosher (D


I feel like a bad person for just suggesting but i here i go: Moomin, The Mask or about any animated morning tv shows that you watched.


Let me start small and simple, how bout a squirrel?


How about a Fire Emblem drawing on May 20th to celebrate the release of Fire Emblem Fates in Europe?


Hmm.. *-* how about a Hydreigon with a flowery bonnet and watering can? Something to kick off spring!


I'd love to see you try something Cthulhu-y! I think it'd be an interesting interpretation when put into your style. :)


Would it very bad to ask for another crack pairing pic of Angelo x Creator (Tammy)???


Your drawing style goes well with cartoon, maybe some favorite animation from your childhood?


I'd like to see some Daisy X Jonquil tbh


Arcanine is my favourite Pokémon, so I would love to see that.


i'll second this suggestion, anything from UHG would be great

Whipple Effect

If PokéMon are still on the table, I'd like to see a Tangrowth... With T-Pain's hat and chain (necklace) xD


I'd like to suggest Bella, maybe looking calm or relaxed?


We need more Vadelma tbh


thinking a ninja inkling


More Vadelma, More Marian, More parents tbh. More of the inklings that don't have much screentime.


hmmmmmmmmmmm how about drawing something that made you laugh recently? orrrrr hmmmmm or how about drawing one of your characters doing something COMPLETELY out of character for them? (Agent hating Arnick?! Nice and mild Cyanthia?! the possibilities are endless)


Draw some more of your favorite cat breeds!


you've mentioned drawing sorrel in the squid girl tunic a couple of times, would love to see that. also, maybe reply to the suggestions you draw, so if people go looking back through these posts in a few months they know which have already been done?


whatever you draw can you please make it in a resolution of 5760x1080 please! There are not that many good triple monitor wallpapers out there and I think you could make a great one if you tried!


After seeing genderbend Arnick and Tetrox I wouldn't mind seeing all your characters genderbend


Wargreymon would be nice


A summertime Noivern would be absolutely interesting to see

Michael M.

I'm a little late in tossing my hat into the ring here, but I for one wouldn't say no to more Dr. Molaire shenanigans... XD


I'd like to put in a vote for any of your youngest three squildren.