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And the winner is- Team Sweet Citrus Wonder! We finally learn Clementine's team name and see their bottle cap logo.

Looks like Whinter and Logan could have done better... But hei! While it is a competition, the end goal is the same for both teams! So let's celebrate for completing the first team mission!




Pretty cool Logo! ;D I'm just a little worried of what Marian is gonna teach Whinter and Logan. ^^;


Oooh, here's the team name!! And nothing like Earth Glasses to teach people how to chill ~~


So teams get paid, but have competition to see who gets a bonus...very interesting. Also Logan and Whinter, RUN!!


Guess this answers my question… neither Whinter nor Logan could catch up with either Angelo or Clementine in nectar collection! "Sweet Citrus Wonder"? Anyone else feel that Taloupe was left out and forgotten in the naming process? (Nice of Clementine to keep her hair out of Taloupe's face—despite standing in front of him!) Now I want to know what else happened between Logan and Tanrine! Whinter's misadventure and conversation with Clementine should have given Logan enough time to collect a B.A.S.K.E.T.-ful or two of nectar…