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Here is progress of page 7. Mostly a talking page, but I'm glad I was able to throw in the joke and fact that Kirsikka helped to design the team logo. First mention of her artistic interests in the comic.

And speaking of the logo. When I was thinking about the teams and logos, I got the idea of making the logos bottle caps! Fits the whole bottle theme of the world. I am pretty proud of that idea. The flavoring idea was also added as a way to naturally include the team naming theme from splatoon days.

So yes, all team logos will be bottle caps and be three word names. Including a flavor name and a word that fits each team. Marian's team got the happiness. What will the others get?



Michael M.

I'm gonna guess something with "cool" in the name for Jonquil's team, and I wouldn't be entirely surprised if Bella's team had a "bitter" sounding name... XD


Oooh, so we finally know the criteria for names!


Did you consider adding to the team's logo the exact berries after which the team members' names are based off–marionberry (blackberry), Raspberry, and loganberry (dark red blackberry/raspberry hybrid) for Marian, Vadelma, and Logan, along with the bilberries (a.k.a. whinberries for Whinter) already present?


One would shudder to imagine what poisonous name Belladonna's team and flavor would adopt…Toxic Tonic Rage?


I can only imagine what sort of weird, out there flavoring there have been. The sky’s the limit!


How did you make the cap?


The bottle cap? I made a base using photos of bottle caps are a reference and designed the logo and text inside it.