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Here's a little bonus content!

After the stream two weeks ago, I did start doing some sketches of what Cosmo's big brother Apollo could look like. I had to keep in mind Cosmo's design as these two should look like brothers, despite living very different lives. After some sketching (which I sadly didn't save) I ended up with this! He has a softer face, but still similar blocky features Cosmo has. While I did want Apollo appear a bit feminine, I did give him a beard. I didn't want him to look way younger than Cosmo! Plus, he also had to be very attractive to live up to his splat self, haha. And I think I achieved this. Hope to do a full body of him someday

As I was working on this, I felt it was time to retouch Cosmo's design in general. One thing I had grown tired of was his multi colored dyed hair. He is over the top character but I didn't care about it too much. So, I gave him bleached dreadlocks instead. And I like it way more. I also simplified his clothes. I pretty much took the design I had made for my pokemon RP group character oterma and gave it to Cosmo. Thus why I included her here, for comparison.

I might tweak Cosmo still a bit. But I like this more than his old design.




Apollo, surprisingly handsome since... XD Oh, and Cosmo looks cool! Despite the changes, his essence never changed!


Oh my god Apollo is GORGEOUS!