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Hey everyone

Due to recent life changes, I'm hoping to get myself a work laptop and go for an early Christmas vacation on 9th of December. I'm currently working on having as many BUP pages done as possible.

For commissioners, while I will be able to work on your commissions thanks to the laptop, please think in advance what you'd like in December so you can send me the info as soon as possible and I'll try to finish as many of them as possible before I leave.

As said, some life changes happened and I hope to take this longer holiday to think about my life and where I want to take it. Thank you all very much for your support here. It means a lot right now.



Ok, I'll start choosing! Enjoy holidays and good luck with your thinking and changes. Count on my continued support.


Will there be any streams in December? If not thats ok take all the time you need off, you’ve been working hard on BUP and commissions. And I think we all get how unpredictable life can be, hope everything ends well and you end up where you want to be. Happy Holidays Tammy 😸


You got some stuff goin on, it’s all good. I’ll send you my idea very soon ^^


Speaking of life changes, what do you think you want to do in life after BUP is finished as a series? Maybe work on other projects? Also Happy holidays Jenna! 😇


No problem Tammy! :) Best of luck, and Happy Holidays! *hugs*


Guess it's time to gather money and finalize the idea


Not a problem at all. You just take care of you. Have a wonderful holiday season.