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Hello everyone!

I got little feedback on the possible patreon stream date and decided to go with Sunday, 27th day. We'll start the same time as my Saturday streams, meaning 6PM UTC+3 (You can check this website for help) 

I still haven't decided which work we'll do. Whinter's character sheet. Or general race sheet... (You can try to pursue me here if you want *wink wink*)

And again, no worries if this date doesn't work for you. I will record the stream and upload it privately to youtube. :)



I don't know how long either will take to finish, and I also don't know how long you plan on making this stream, but if I had to make a choice between the two oprions, I'd choose the 'general race sheet'. We already know some things about Whinter, an about some other characters too, but we know next to nothing about their race, or about any other races that exist in your BU! Universe.


Hmm, yeah, Dagenhart has a point. We are all ITCHING to know at least the name and few basic rules of their race. Maybe we could finally stop calling the characters "bottle people", haha! And doing Whinter's character sheet would probably leak a thing or two about their race anyway so... why spend a whole stream being too careful? ... I tried pfff

Michael M.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna side with Dagen and Alandria here and vote for the general race sheet as well. Plus, individual character sheets can always be subjects for future Patreon streams... :)