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So there's one more page of Welcome to the Pack left (#81) before I get to shake things up and make some brand new stuff. I'm holding back the last page's sketch for now until I post the finished version, but I'm excited to move on and try something different with the comic.

So this bugle has a lineup that I started in February 2022 that I told myself I would finish this year but never did. I seem to try making a new lineup every year and then I make changes to their sizes depending on what looks right for each individual piece rather than committing to a model. I'm sure this year won't be much different. I even made some changes to Ryley and Jake this year as well as adding Ethan's chest hair. I even altered everyone's colors and played with Cody and Jeremy's similarities and differences. My characters seem to always be changing, even if slightly over time. I'll probably try doing another line up again next year and possibly an actual ref sheet for Ethan. Guess we'll just have to see what 2024 has to offer.

I sincerely thank you guys for being on this journey with me. I really appreciate all of your support and I'm hoping next year will have even more spicy art for you all to enjoy.

Happy New Year!

EDIT: Just added the last page's sketch version!


Drunk Cody making noise cuz he's a music boy.
Honestly there's no telling if he's even drank anything... he'd do this shit anyway...
Gay line-up of gaybos



The fact that my precious husbando Cruz is now the fattest member of the pack puts a HUGE smile on my face! 😃😍🥵🥴💙💦✨


Im the bottle Cody and Ethan are handling