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Hey guys, so I just wanted to give you guys a heads up that the NSFW comic this month is going to be delayed. I was sick for 2 weeks, so I lost a lot productivity time. But I will posting the final sketch version with some shading to give you an idea of what it's going to look like. It's gonna be a pretty big one, so get ready for that.

In comic news, the next arc is all scripted out. It contains 7 pages, and I've already begun working on the sketch of the panels and putting in the speech bubbles. Two pages have already reached final sketch sketch stage and I am very happy with the new approach to forming the panels. I'm thinking more in terms of space and taking advantage of the comic medium and I've been told that it is more fun to read now, so I am VERY excited about this next arc. Look out for a little preview of that in tomorrow's Beagle Bugle.

I know it's been quite a while since I've posted a new page, but going forward I want to make sure I don't overwork myself and cause myself to burn out like I have in the past. I want to develop a healthy work flow that will ultimately keep me going, so there are smaller breaks between arcs. As much it hurts me to take so long, I am just one person, and working on a page week to week is just too stressful and in the long run, hurts even more. 

I wanna thank you guys for your patience and understanding. I will do my best to get the comic going again at a comfortable and efficient pace. Love you guys!

Cruz and Beagle Bugle tomorrow!


Evan Downing

It's cool, Ethan! Your health always comes first before the other important things. ^^