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When I was on Winter Break from the comic, I came up with a poster concept.

I'll probably refine it/ figure out a different pose that works better, but I figured it would be fun to show you guys what I had come up with.

So I realized I didn't share the full logo when I had posted the comic where this appeared. Some of you had mentioned you saw what I "did there". Whatever do you mean?

I think these two would be a fabulous job at cosplaying as Gaston and LeFou from Beauty and the Beast. And of course Damien would show off his massive strength by lifting Cody and a bench with one arm.

So I was in the nude beach mood when I was working on these, so of course there's a nude version. 

So DeadStrayBear posted something similar to this on his FA and it made me remember I did this a while back, so here ya go~ 

So grumpy, and yet so leaky...

Another nude beach idea I had...

Damien tugging on himself just enough to seem bigger when flaccid while in public at a nude beach. Ethan catches him when he tries fluffing himself up again. 

Lastly, an update on myself. I said that this week, the comic would be taking a week break as I start work on the next arc of the comic. I'm trying my best at the moment to be ready to start posting again next week, but just as a heads up: I'm currently sick and have been dealing with my back issues the last few days which makes it hard to sit (It's also why I haven't been streaming in a while). I might have to delay the comic another week, but I'm not exactly sure yet. I'll know closer to the middle of the week and I'll give an update. I honestly rather get the comic started again, but I'm really bad at resting and taking days off. The comic pages now definitely take a lot longer to produce than when I first started, so it's making it harder to keep up sometimes (especially when there's two in one week).  Thank you guys for being patient with me. It'll be worth the wait, I promise!


Evan Downing

I hope you feel better.