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Poll 1 Winner: Banjo

After a long adventure, sometimes it's nice to have some quiet time to yourself and let it all out. Banjo sure knows how to get a little much needed R&R.

Poll 2 Winner: Grizz

In "Fashion Bears," Grizz finally gets fed up wearing clothes, so he rips off his suit on top of the company boardroom table just as the emergency sprinklers turn on. Be free, bear. 

Poll 3 Winner: Panda

In "Bear Cleanse" Panda finally starts embracing his 20 day cleanse of only eating bamboo when he starts getting a tons of likes on social media. Seems he's started to really like the attention. If you notice, he's partially wearing the outfit he wore in "Fashion Bears."

And finally... seems Banjo isn't the only sleepy bear around here...


Yoked Coder

I've been activated once more by Jeremy