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I'm running this a little late because with the holidays and everything I'd almost forgotten about it. Fortunately there'll be plenty of time at the beginning of January to hash out the other ending polls because I'd like to let this one run until December 31st so that everyone has plenty of time to get their votes in.

Anyway ...

Much like last month's poll the top three here will win a shiny bonus ending that will be added to the game in Tiny Furry's final update (for a bit at least) come the end of January. There'll also be another update coming for the game on December 31st that'll have a bunch of stuff in it that I've already talked about a bunch.

Following this poll there will be more polls where you get to pick what ending type these characters get. Polls polls polls!

Obviously I cut the winning characters from last month's poll here - and replaced them with other people. I was tempted to remove a few of the options that had a lower voting count, but ... hey, someone has to stand up for that wolf from that one Oscar ending, right? He's the underdog - literally - I can't kick him down.

I did remove the fox though because I realized that she already had a shit ton of bonus content and is pretty fleshed out. I also kicked off Edelbert because I'm not super sure that the game really needs any more of him. He's a bit grim, you know?

Did I say I was rested and recharged? I was, but ... then I got this weird stomach bug. Fortunately it seems to have only been a 24 hour thing as it's already waning but I'm feeling a touch washed out so I'm sorry if this post doesn't have my usual energy! The coffee will kick in soon enough. 

Today I am officially officially back to work so expect things very soon (maybe even tonight, who knows)

Happy voting!


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