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Hello everyone!

This is going to be a post where I'm going to answer as many potential questions as I can right off the bat. At the end of the post, there will be a link to a form where you can submit any questions that you might have yourself afterward.

I'll be splitting this up into a few sections. Feel free to scroll past the ones that you aren't interested in!


Where does the money go from Patreon? In other words, where does my ten bucks go?
A: To keep a roof over my head and my lights on right now. I would love to be able to spend every penny on game assets - on art, sound, music - but sadly, Patreon is the majority of my income each month. My Patreon money comes in on the 1st - my rent goes out on the 3rd - and the utility bills come out shortly afterward. The total of this can be anywhere between $800 - $1000, depending on the month. This is before things like groceries, gas, and all of that stuff.

As you can tell (the monetary count is public, and will always be public) I don't make $800 - $1000 on Patreon per month. It's currently at $606 - the highest it's ever been, I'll add - so we're very close to that. I make the rest up (including grocery bills) by taking as many commissions as I can. Since I'm a human being rather than a human typewriter, I can usually just about manage to scrape together what I need to eat, be warm, have the lights on, and maybe buy a game in a sale to keep myself sane during the downtime.

Q: Do you plan to increase your commission prices this year?
A: Yep! This will be so that I can take less commissions on the whole and work on my game(s) more. It also means that I'll be able to scrape together a little extra cash every month. This extra cash will go into game assets - whether they be art, sounds, music, or even guest writers.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to start affording extra assets on a consistent basis to go in the game (it'll cost more than regular art since it needs to go into a commercial product and all) but it will be sometime this year. I'll try to answer this question more thoroughly in the relevant game sections.

Q: Does this mean that you'll die if I stop giving you my money? Alternatively, will A Tiny Furry or it's sequel die if I stop giving you my money?
A: No! If my Patreon cash total goes down, then that simply means that I have to take more commissions, and, as a result, ultimately have to put a little less work into the game. This will also effect the assets that I'm talking about above more than the content that gets put in every fortnight.

I don't want anyone to be here out of obligation. If you don't enjoy the content, or simply need to back out to afford for your own things, that's absolutely okay. People are welcome to come and go as they please! I don't want anyone to feel like they've ended up in Kyojail because they're worried about Kyobi not eating that particular month. I'll be okay, and I'll keep working on my games regardless of how Patreon looks! It's just a simple fact that the more money I get here, the more I can justify the time that I put in/the money that I spend on assets.


Will v1.0 be the final version of the game?
A: No, definitely not. In the next one or two weeks I'll be pushing out a final, final version of v1.0. This will have some long-awaited commission content to the game in the form of some alternate scenes with Miles and Andy. It will also fix any typos and bugs that are in the final release.

This will be the final version of the game ... at least, for a little while! Right now, I'm working full-scale on A Tinier Furry In A Huger World for the most part, so updates will be coming out for that frequently (every fortnight as promised). However, there will be future updates to A Tiny Furry following the one I plan to release in January.

Q: What will these further updates be about?
A: My idea is go back to each macro in the game and add or even potentially rewrite existing content. Ms. Matthews, for example, was the first macro in the game - she's not written to the same standards as the others - and there have been some endings that I've been itching to give all of the characters for a while. If I have the money to do so, I'd also like to get art added into these updates, too.

In my mind, there would be three or so updates, spaced out over the year - each one tackling about three or four characters at a time, adding multiple endings/new paths to them. This would culminate in an anniversary version of the game on December 21st 2021. Through the year, all of this new/expanded content would be available exclusively on Patreon.

This would also include a tricky to obtain ending where you finally grow back to full size and all that stuff. It's never been something on my mind as a must add - because it's a game about being shrunk and dealing with that - but I know a lot of people want it, so it's on my mind to figure out how to put that into the game in a satisfying way.


Hi! I just joined the Patreon. What is this sequel even about? What am I getting myself into?
A: Hi, and welcome! A Tinier Furry In A Huger World is a spiritual sequel to ... well, A Tiny Furry In A Huge World. Spiritual in the sense that it'll take place in a different setting with a whole different cast of characters, but with a similar gameplay format!

Q: What's the setting?
A: The setting is a medieval fantasy town ... think an entry-level tutorial town. Potion shop, weapons shop, tavern, dungeon, etc etc!

This was decided by a poll last month - so if you'd like a better idea of the setting, please check out the Tinier Furry setting poll and you'll get a full rundown there!

Q: What will the first update be about?
A: The first update will be about a tavern and it's patrons. A strong focus will be on it's owner - a cheerful male fox who's getting to grips with the whole innkeeping business. This will make up the first area of the game. It'll be a diverse place with multiple rooms and multiple macros who are out to eat you! This was also decided by a poll.

Q: How do the polls work? How often are they ran?
A: Usually around the beginning or end of the month - whenever the next version is on the horizon, essentially. I run four different kinds of polls as a base (with a couple of optional polls, sometimes)

- Disposition Poll (how will the macro act, what's a rough idea of their personality
- Gender Poll (Male or Female?)
- Species Poll (Species that have already been in the game get removed from the poll to lack repetition)
- Location Poll (where the update will take place)

This way, the shape and smell of the content is very much decided by you guys!

Q: When is the first preview of this game coming out?
A: In the next fourteen days, so ... around or before the 20th of January! There will be stuff coming between then and now - the previously talked about update to A Tiny Furry with Miles and Andy (and bugfixes) as well as commissions - so you'll be getting plenty for your ten bucks this month.

I know that there might be more questions, so I am going to slap a link to a Google Docs submission formy thing here. If any questions come in, I'll run a part two to this thing later in the week. I'll only be answering questions about Patreon/A Tiny Furry, however! I might do a personal Q&A in the near future if people would be interested in that, though!


Hope you all have a lovely week! As always, macro/micro works are on the horizons, and you'll be seeing them very soon!