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Hello everyone!

Gender poll for v0.1 time! Ordinarily, before this, I would do a location poll! However, since this is the first update of the game, I want everything to start in a way that feels right narratively. So, with this in mind, the first location in the game is going to be a tavern. This poll - and the following species poll - are going to be about the owner/bartender there.

With this in mind, I have decided to make this a choice between male/female. Disposition will be polled next (likely tomorrow, the two can run at the same time) and then species the week following!

A Tiny Furry Preview 6 is going to be a day late and come on Monday rather than Sunday! This is not because it is a larger update than most, more that I have needed to take a little extra time to recharge this weekend! Things are going smoothly now, however - the batteries are very much full!

After this preview, I will be taking a short break from game development for the holidays. The final release of A Tiny Furry v1.0 is going to come on/around January 1st. I want to take a little extra time to put the finishing touches on everything since it's going to be the last release for a little while!

In the time between Preview 6 and the final release however there will not be a lack of content! By taking a little break from the game I will also be able to wrap up that big commission that I keep talking about, so ... good stuff! Plus, other bits and pieces will be coming this month too! Remember Story Pack #1? Probably not, but ... I'm throwing another one of those together, and I'll be posting it up here for everyone to enjoy!

For now, please poll responsibly! Happy voting!


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