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Hello everyone!

Since everyone was really supportive of me moving onto a spiritual sequel, it's time to move onto the polls for that! They will start out simple and get more complicated as things go on. This is the most simple poll of all!

This poll is not to define the setting as such ... which is why it's Setting Poll 1. Setting Poll 2 will have more specific options.

The two options here are a small town setting and focus on one building. On Sunday (shortly after the Tiny Furry update) I will post Setting Poll 2 which will have more conclusive options.

For example, if small town setting wins then the options might be modern rural town, small fantasy village, futuristic town/small space station or ... something like that. If focus on one building wins, then I will poll a selection of interesting buildings ... restaurant, laboratory, mall ... etc. The narrative is going to involve macro/micro stuff again - obviously - so yes, you will be tiny in these environments, and everything else will be very big.

The various options for Setting Poll 2 will also be expanded on in the post - if small town wins, for example, then you will get a full brief on all the choices that I present to you, including potential preds and situations! Same for the building focus.

EDIT: I meant to make this poll one choice only, but I forgot to tick the box. I won't enforce it or repost - just consider voting for both options the 'both sound good' option.

I'll have some commissions to post in a few hours! Happy voting!



I personally think that a single building could lend itself to some really interesting scenarios - the focus on a certain environment could have a lot of polish compared to the spread out town. At least, that's how I feel!


Agreed! I think that there are advantages to both, ultimately - a smaller focus versus a larger one! My aim with this game is to have a 'roadmap' in mind throughout - a beginning point and an end point, I guess - so whether it's a building or a town, the game will feel much more 'complete' by the end and actually have advanced features that I plan to put in. Whether it's a small building or a town I want it to feel 'busier' or more 'alive' I suppose than the college does in A Tiny Furry - more opportunities for roaming NPCs and such while still having specific areas like in the campus. Now that I've learnt so much about writing and making a game and Quest I should be able to make this a much more enjoyable experience for all. I have held off voting myself for now in case I need to be the tiebreaker. I'm not sure which one I'd go for right now. Town is very compelling because it'll create a lot more opportunities - but building is also compelling because, as, like you say, a focus on a specific environment could be very interesting with how I plan to make this game versus the first one. My mind is to make this a complete immersive experience, regardless of setting!


If you're going to do a small town, we need rednecks. My suggestion is "escape the trailer park." There's so many filthy scenarios you can play with :D