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Hello everyone!

As the title of the posts says, I am not feeling very well. Over the past few months (since around December) I have been having what I can only describe as 'dizzy spells'. These can effect me when I'm stood up or when I'm sat down. If I'm stood up then it's usually bad enough that I lose my balance completely and fall over, but in both cases the end result is a pretty crippling nausea that ultimately leaves me completely exhausted.

Like I said, this started back in December. Back then I had an ear infection so I figured it was a side effect of that - inner ear is all balance - and since they weren't happening frequently (once, twice a month at most) I figured it was just going to be something that eventually passed. Also, I am just terrified of the doctor in general: like an animal going to the vet, I try to avoid it as much as I possibly can. This is stupid by the way: don't do this.

However, over the past two weeks or so, I have had these dizzy spells every single day, which is obviously very concerning. Today I was finally able to see a doctor about it and over the course of the rest of the month I'll be seeing several more as a follow-up for tests and scans and all sorts of things so they can try and figure out what's wrong with me.

Because of these recurring dizzy spells and the fact that I have to spend a lot of time going back and forth to the doctors, I am putting A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus development on hold for the rest of the month. I will be continuing to work on commissions/stories, however, because they're much easier for me to handle since there's no programming involved.

This does not mean that the Patreon will be inactive for the rest of the month: I still have three stories that I am going to post over the remainder of the month. One is a little over 9000 words, one is 10000 words, and the other is about 3000, so there will be plenty of content to enjoy even if there is no game update this month. I will be uploading one shortly after this post as a matter of fact, so... look forward to that!

Stories aside, I know that a lot of people are here for the game update, and that not getting one will be disappointing. For this I apologize - I hate disappointing people, my community more than anything - but I have been ignoring this issue for months now and if I delay doctor's appointments in order to get the end of the month crunch done on the update then things are only going to get worse... so, I am putting my health first.

I hope everyone understands. I also want to say: if you are worried, then please don't worry too much. I'll make sure to give an update on what's going on come April when I know more.

I will be back in an hour or two with a story! Until then, please accept this sick note.



That's super scary... especially if you fell over and hit your head on something. Just glad you're getting help and hoping it's nothing serious! Best wishes!


No need to stress out about Tiny furry Kyobi. Your exquisite writing is well worth the wait. Besides, your stories are always such a treat that I think we will barely even notice an update missing :D Get well soon Foxy Queen!