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I always make slapped versions for arts with booties, but it was especially fun to work on this one😄

My December tier 15 (15 and 30) patrons will get:

🎅 high-res image (tier 10 will also get a medium size image)
💖 NSFW versions
🎅 wallpapers
💖 step-by-step
🎅 Photoshop brushes

Rewards are already in process, but this will take me a bit more time to finish everything. I think rewards will be sent to all December patrons via private messages around January 12-13th.

Biggest thanks for your great support! Wish you a wonderful day! Much love😘

P.S. If you joined during January this means you subbed for January rewards and Patreon will charge you only on February 1st. It's possible to get December rewards via tier 20, tier 30 and via donations system on Boosty.



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