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Full dressed Mui, waaaat? :D

Was really inspired for this art by all this incredible snow here! But it went through so many troubles: I had migraines, no power, no water and even no heat at home (with -20C outside), tried to work in mittens. It's almost a miracle that I was able to finish this piece✨ And I hope you enjoy the result!

My dear November patrons will get:

❄️ high-res image
❄️ NSFW versions
❄️ wallpapers
❄️ step-by-step
❄️ Photoshop brushes

This is the last artwork for November set. This means that tomorrow I start to prepare the rewards (to edit images, to make nsfw versions, wallpapers etc..). This will take me about 4-5 days to complete everything, so rewards will be sent to all November patrons via private messages around December 11-12th.

Thank you all sooo much for supporting me and my creations! Wish you all a great day and a happy winter🌲💖




Omg! Omg! Omg! I just love Mui! She is so elegant and beautiful! A perfect hourglass figure! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 The picture turned out wonderfully! 😍😍😍 I’m sorry there were so many problems though. I hope the power / heat outage didn’t last too long. 🥺🥺


So beautiful! Sorry to hear about everything going on. I hope things get better soon!!