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"She was one of Her first Butterflies. Blessed with a Touch she herself became a blessing for this place"

Oops, painted Mui again ^^; Just wanted to show you more sides of this girl and to give some hints about her story. 

My February tier 15 (15 and 30) patrons will get:

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Thank you all so much for supporting me, you're the best💗💗💗




Wooooooooowwww 😍😍 Mui is soooo beautifuuul


Glad Mui came to existence, she really is a magnificient lady. I only have one :shroomie: but I'm gladly offering it to her!


She is very lovely! ☺️☺️


Love your character 😘💗💗💗🥰


Damn… so beautiful that high schools will literally suspend her for the reveal lol


Oh my goodness, this is incredible! I adore Mui, and I'm so glad you created more of her! :D Her expression is to die for, the pose is wonderful, and the flow of her hair is so beautiful! The clothing is fantastic - I love the detail in the fabric, the shading, and oof, the definition in her back! :D Also, the way it covers is perfect. :)