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I was a bit frustarted lately and didn't know whom to draw next. I have tons of sketches, but everything was out of my mood and condition, and this made me feel really weird. Tried to listen to my heart and finally created two sketches I'm going to finish! Currently working on the art above, will finish it in 2-3 days, can't wait to show it to you🤗💜 And can't wait to start working on the piece below!

Many thanks for attention, have a lovely  ^3^




Never force yourself! If you force yourself, you'll always get work you're not happy with. As a writer, I know to just take things slow when I need to and work hard when the mood strikes. I'm in a bit of a down period at the moment, but I've been writing furiously for two months, so a slow down isn't terrible... just frustrating. LOL.


Randall is right, whenever you have to will yourself to do something creative it more often than not takes its toll on you or the work in some form or another. Im glad you took the time for yourself to narrow down what you're feeling up for right now. Also I have a sneaky suspicion i know who it is in the second piece ^_^ can't wait to see how both turn out.


I always try to draw from heart, but feel very frustrated when my mood influences the work in a bad way. I feel how time flows and become afraid that I make people to wait or that lack of time will lead to lower quality art. I learn to relax sometimes and try to think that it's better to accept this than to think "how terrible it is" and get even more stressed, lol) As you say, slow is not terrible in fact, such things happen to people from time to time and we need just to catch the moment when we're inspired :) Thank you very much for your comment!

Anios Selindar

As Randall said, never force yourself. It will only lead you into more frustrations. And we don't want that for our beloved Olnya ! ;3 Take your time to create when you feel it ; people will see when you put your heart in a picture rather than forcing you. Good to know also you listen to your heart and sketch something you like. Be absolutely sure people will lvoe it too ! :D Especially knowing who you're drawing (easy find for the """ hellish """ second ;p ). Lot of cuddle for ya my dear ! ^^ Remember, take it easy on you :3


Oh my goodness! I can't wait for these. :) Take your time and rest up. :) I would prefer you are happy with what you make!


Sometimes it's difficult to stop for a moment and to listen to yourself, live in such a rush, that just forget about this. Thank you for your comment! First piece is finished, started to work on the second one ^v^ Will try to relax my thoughts working on it, and to rely on my feelings :)


Sometimes I live and work in such rush that in fact forget about how it is to rely on my feelings! Trying to learn to stop for a moment and just to listen to myself :) Thank you so much for your warm comment, can't express how much such support means to me!*hug* Hell yeah, it's not that hard to quess who is going to be on my next drawing ;D Once again many thanks, my friend! <3