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Yay, finished to draw vampire Ashe! ^,..,^ This piece took really much time, especially her outfit. I also created the alternate lingerie, will show it to you tomorrow ;)


My dear October patrons will get:

🩸 big-size images (two outfits + versions without aspen stake)
🩸 wallpapers
🩸 NSFW versions
🩸 step-by-step
🩸 brushes

Thank you guys for your awesome support! 😘 Two more October arts are ahead! 




Beautiful! :D I love, love, LOVE the outfit. Garter belts with stockings are my favourite! I adore the detail on her top too :)


Hey!! What do you plan to do with that thing? Don't hurt the Vampire Chan! :o


Thank you so much! <3 Actually, I love garter belts too and always glad to draw them :3


I think, he will not hurt her, and she will like everything he is going to do ;)

Anios Selindar

Waaaaaah, i LOVE it sooo much my dear ! Not just because of the super sexy and amazing Ashe in a vampire look, but also because of the splendid background and the incredibly marvellous outfit ! °w° Like waoooow, all those details on her corset, stockings and the see-through fabric...it's gorgeous ! You're amazing my dear, it's a beautiful and sexy piece of art ! :D