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Today is already December 30th and I decided to make a little summary of year 2017 :) And these are not just random arts of each month, these are my personal favorite works and images with which I dissapointed myself*(

Let's start with my favs!💖I like more arts than I showed here, but these are, in my opinion, the most interesting and well done. For me it's also very important to show the beauty but also ideas and designes in my works. And this year was rich in outfits designs! You know that I really like to create costumes for my OCs and for characters I love ^v^ And I'm very happy that with your help I was able to bring many ideas to life! Thank you so much, guys!😘

Now a bit about my personal hates 💔These arts are well painted and even have some ideas. But they look very empty. And the dissapointment of the year is my Easter Mercy! 🥇The sketch looked nice, but I'm totally unsatisfied with the result*( Maybe it's because of the pose, maybe because I didn't have enough time for outfit design, maybe wrong colours, idk. But the saddest thing is that so many people liked this artwork! On Deviantart it has 3800+ favs, at the same time art with Fran (I think one of the best I ever painted) has only 1500+, and art with NY Sonia has only 393 favs. I understand that this is because Mercy is much more popular (btw, she was not popular before my Angel of Love Mercy, after which everyone started to draw her, but that's a different story), but other arts look much better! I want people like my works because of the quality and ideas, not because of the half-nude popular character sitting in the sexy pose... That's my personal opinion, I wanted to share my thoughts and feelings with you, so thank you for reading this all!

Looking at all arts I made in 2017 I see my mistakes and want to improve my skills! I will try to do everything to make better works for you, which I will also will be proud of 😊

And once again I want to thank each of you for your help on Patreon! You give me the opportunity to continue to draw and get closer to my dream - creating own comics and game projects! This is very important to me, so thank you, thank you, thank you!!💗💗💗




i can see why they are your favs *heart* theres nothing wrong with the ones you "hate" but if it makes you strive to do bettter then that is good for us and for you *glomp*

Frank Leo

I still like those artworks you hate ... they still look awesome to me, you have very good style.

Anios Selindar (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-20 07:05:15 I understand why there's some of your works you're disapointed in. But for me, i love them all, for differents reasons. But you know i loveyour work also because of the passion and details you put in. Either be a sexy art or not, i love it noneless. <3 And your NY Sonia&Fo is really sweet ! <3 Definitely love your OCs (okay, i admit, personal fav for all your draeneis xP). Oh my, i really hope you'll be able to create a comic and/or a game ! That would be amazing my friend ! :D What genre of game you want to do ? Some rpg ? ^^
2018-01-01 01:34:43 I understand why there's some of your works you're disapointed in. But for me, i love them all, for differents reasons. But you know i loveyour work also because of the passion and details you put in. Either be a sexy art or not, i love it noneless. <3 And your NY Sonia&Fo is really sweet ! <3 Definitely love your OCs (okay, i admit, personal fav for all your draeneis xP). Oh my, i really hope you'll be able to create a comic and/or a game ! That would be amazing my friend ! :D What genre of game you want to do ? Some rpg ? ^^

I understand why there's some of your works you're disapointed in. But for me, i love them all, for differents reasons. But you know i loveyour work also because of the passion and details you put in. Either be a sexy art or not, i love it noneless. <3 And your NY Sonia&Fo is really sweet ! <3 Definitely love your OCs (okay, i admit, personal fav for all your draeneis xP). Oh my, i really hope you'll be able to create a comic and/or a game ! That would be amazing my friend ! :D What genre of game you want to do ? Some rpg ? ^^