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I think I also can accept this kind of ruffled swimsuit for Tifa😏 

My February tier 15 (15 and 30) patrons will get:

🌺 high-res images (tier 10 will also get a medium size image)
🌺 NSFW versions
🌺 wallpapers
🌺 step-by-step
🌺 psd-file
🌺 Photoshop brushes

Aaand tomorrow will start to work on the rewards (to edit images, to make nsfw versions, wallpapers etc.). This will take me about 4-5 days to complete everything, so rewards will be sent to all February patrons via private messages around March 16-17th.

Thanks for waiting! Have a wonderful day💖


No text version



Jorge Lopez

WOAH, YOUR TEXTURES GET BETTER AND HOTTER!🥵🥵🥵 This illustration is making me feel something 🥵👏


Oh, I don’t think it’s small enough. 😏😏