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  • 230616_Sauna_Switch_Animation_So_Far_WIP_H264.mp4




Well I'm back doing animation again.

We've now got the fox finishing up, all out of breath and needing a sit down, followed by a nice FPV shot showing just how big the burr is by comparison. 

Next up the Burr picking up the fox, then uncorking and then finally the bit everyone has been waiting for. (a very stretched fox)

Just the one version of the animation at the moment, the alt version + whatever else I'm able to animate will be on the update at the end of the month as I just didn't have time to render it for today. After how shit things were going last month I wanted to get something up to show asap.

So yes, back animating, still recovering from sorting out the house and not fully awake most days. 

I may be tired but I'm working.

So there we go, I do hope you enjoy the animation so far and I will be back at the end of the month with more. 


Raygun Draygun

Fuuuck, quite the climax for the fox. Can’t wait to see how the big bear finishes, love how worked up he was looking